• Some type of sick leave bank is offered in 62 districts (35%).
  • The average number of teacher days is 186.
  • The average workday length is 7 hours and 15 minutes.
  • On average, teachers who are paid extra for assisting with curriculum writing earn $34.38 per hour.
  • The average maximum salary for a teacher with a 6th year degree is $88,388.
  • In Region 18, the teachers’ contract specifies that in case of war or national emergency, the contract is subject to negotiation upon notice of either party provided the request is written, and negotiations will begin 30 days following the request.
  • On average, Connecticut teachers have 182 work days with students each year.
  • The average annual contribution towards a teacher's Health Savings Account (HSA) in districts that offer them is $1,936.
  • On average, the difference between the salary of a teacher with a master's degree and bachelor's degree at their respective starting salary step is $3,560.
  • The average time required before and after the school day is 36 minutes.
  • Seniority is the only factor considered in layoffs in 45 (25%) districts.
  • There are 114 districts that offer extra pay for teachers who engage in curriculum writing for the district (64%).
  • In Connecticut, 174 districts provide life insurance benefits to educators (98%).
  • On average, the difference between the salary of a teacher with a master's degree and bachelor's degree at their respective maximum salary step is $12,433.
  • Some type of performance pay is available in 9 (5%) districts (Bloomfield, Columbia, East Granby, Hartford, New Haven, Southington, West Haven, Path Academy, and Woodstock Academy).
  • On average, elementary teachers are granted 190 minutes per week for preparation time.
  • On average, Connecticut teachers receive 15 sick days and 4 personal days.
  • The average starting salary for a teacher with a doctorate degree is $54,072.
  • There are 87 districts that consider performance/evaluation as a factor in layoffs, and 87 districts that do not (49%).
  • The average first year salary for a teacher with a master's degree is $47,627.
  • Most districts’ reductions in force provisions are informed by seniority-based layoff provisions (commonly known as “last-in, first-out”).
  • On average, the payout for those who waive insurance is $1,442.
  • Details about the teacher evaluation system are included in teacher contracts in 14 districts (8%).
  • The average starting salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree is $44,694.
  • On average, the annual bonus for teachers with National Board Certification (in districts that provide them) is about $1,500.
  • The average starting salary for a teacher with a 6th year degree is $51,582.
  • In 11 districts, teacher performance/evaluation is a primary factor in layoffs (Brookfield, Enfield, LEARN, New Hartford, Newtown, North Haven, Old Saybrook, Pomfret, Region 5, Region 19, and Torrington).
  • 36 districts (20%) have a salary step freeze in the 2015-2016 year.
  • The average first year salary for a teacher with a master's degree is $48,266.
  • Contracts with provisions on the work day and school year often include information about the school year as well as days without students (such as professional development or orientation days).
  • The average maximum salary for a teacher with a master's degree is $83,194.
  • The average mid-scale salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree is $56,756.
  • The average class size for elementary school is 27 students and middle and high school is 28 students.
  • 156 teacher collective bargaining agreements (89%) are negotiated by the CEA or its affiliate, and 22 (12%) by the AFT.
  • The average maximum salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree is $70,796.
  • Nearly half (47%) of districts have additional professional development days for teachers new to the district.
  • On average, Connecticut teachers contribute 17% to their health insurance costs.
  • 25 districts (14%) offer incentives for newly hired teachers who work in schools or certification areas that are "high needs" or "hard-to-staff."
  • Some type of sick leave bank is offered in 62 districts (35%).
  • In districts that offer tuition reimbursement, the average amount provided is 68% of tuition.
  • The average mid-scale salary for a teacher with a doctorate degree is $70,868.
  • 162 districts (91%) offer compensated professional development days.
  • 100 districts (56%) offer an HDHP/HSA as the main insurance plan for teachers.
  • In Connecticut, 63 districts provide long term disability benefits to educators (35%).
  • The average mid-scale salary for a teacher with a master’s degree is $63,838.
  • On average, the difference between the salary of a teacher with a bachelor’s degree at the starting salary step and a master's degree at the maximum step is $38,506.
  • 131 districts (74%) offer tuition reimbursement for advanced degree courses.
  • Some type of longevity pay is available in 117 (66%) districts.
  • The average maximum salary for a teacher with a doctorate degree is $91,199.
  • The average mid-scale salary for a teacher with a 6th year degree is $68,059.
  • Seniority is a primary factor considered in layoffs in 154 (87%) districts.
  • 49 districts (28%) offer a bonus for teachers who earn certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
  • 92 districts in Connecticut (52%) withhold a teacher's salary step increase for unsatisfactory performance.